Test Article 3

2020-07-14T19:42:33+00:00July 14th, 2020|Product Science|

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sit amet posuere sem, at vestibulum felis. Pellentesque arcu purus, tincidunt sed imperdiet quis, maximus ut erat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse condimentum lacus ac pulvinar accumsan. Nam faucibus tellus at volutpat pharetra. Vestibulum suscipit orci et varius blandit. Nam condimentum auctor dui eu scelerisque. Ut fringilla dui eget ex commodo, vel scelerisque mauris efficitur. Donec porta mattis ligula sed vulputate. Duis [...]

Vapor Diffusion

2020-10-13T13:40:34+00:00July 14th, 2020|Product Science|

At the avant-garde of building science there is an increasingly lively debate around the correct wall assembly to manage vapor diffusion. The conversation, though dense and complex is important because vapor diffusion and more broadly moisture management are crucial components of a properly built, healthy home. This topic is often misunderstood and even ignored so in this week’s blog we demystify vapor diffusion and explain how Havelock Wool fits into the equation. What is Vapor [...]

Here Comes the Sun: i89 Glass

2020-08-26T20:19:58+00:00July 14th, 2020|Product Science|

Skylights need to hit even more energy efficiency targets in the 2020 Energy Star program. This means glass needs to check all the latest boxes. The Energy Star Program The Canadian government manages the Energy Star program. And, as part of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, windows and skylights have seen increased energy efficiency targets in the 2020 program. Some previously certified skylight models are no longer certified. The Energy Star [...]

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